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IRET Foundation hosts and manages the Bologna-Ozzano Technopole, named after the Nobel Prize laureate Rita Levi-Montalcini, focused on Life Sciences.

There are ten Technopoles in Emilia Romagna region, set up thanks to public co-financing to become points of access to the regional innovation ecosystem and to facilitate the dialogue and cooperation between research and industry.
The role of Technopoles is also to engage local communities in projects of development, monitoring citizens’ needs and expectations in all areas related to technology and innovation.

Bologna-Ozzano Technopole promotes RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) and structures stakeholders engagement initiatives on the basis of the Quadruple Helix approach. The Quadruple Helix is an innovation framework that helps creating a cooperative environment involving not only companies and research centers, but also universities, public institutions and citizens.
Three laboratories belonging to the regional High Technology Network are located within the Bologna-Ozzano Technopole.
Among the services offered we mention:

  • assistance in the development of new products for health and wellness (pharmaceutical sector, biotechnologies, advanced therapies, biomedical devices)
  • assistance in the technological transfer from research centers to industry
  • TRL assessment and risk assessment with reference to the steps to bring a new product to the market.

DGR NO. 2060/2022 - YEARS 2023-2025

Health Industry as a driver of territorial development: a role for the Technopole of Bologna – Ozzano dell’Emilia “Rita Levi-Montalcini” site

The project for the management of the Technopole of Bologna-Ozzano “Rita Levi-Montalcini” 2023-2025 aims, on the one hand, to make the ‘ordinary’ activities (counter activities, orientation, communication) more and more effective, and, on the other hand, to launch a series of strategic projects that will contribute to achieve the following results:

  • consolidating the Technopole’s position at national and international level as a point of reference for access to the regional innovation ecosystem;
  • assessing and developing strategic partnerships with companies;
  • strengthen the overall value proposition by setting ambitious goals such as contributing to the birth of the first Italian ecosystem on Alzheimer’s disease;
  • improve the ability to dialogue with all stakeholders on health and wellbeing issues;
  • making a concrete contribution to the fight against climate change and the transition to a circular economy, developing the theme of ‘sustainable healthcare’ also in terms of acquiring new skills and dedicated tools. All this is being developed according to a nonprofit scheme that provides for the total reinvestment of any positive operating margin in favour of research and innovation, while taking care of the sustainability of the initiatives through prudent planning.

Duration: 30 months, from 01/01/2023 to 30/06/2025

The total cost of the project is € 599.978,20 of which 50% (€ 299.989,10) will be covered by the Emilia-Romagna European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Programme 2021-2027, Action 1.1.7.

Regional Council Decision no. 1513/2021 – YEAR 2022

The health industry as a driver for territorial development: a role for the Bologna-Ozzano Technopole dedicated to Rita Levi-Montalcini

The project is designed to consolidate the role of the Bologna-Ozzano Technopole as a hub for local life sciences companies and as an access point to the High Technology Network of the Region of Emilia-Romagna and to the entire ecosystem of innovation.

The Technopole integrates two laboratories of the Network, IRET and CIRI-SDV, which share objectives and strategies (Joint Research Laboratory), as well as the social enterprise Transmed Research. It has launched various collaborations, including that with the Clust-ER ISB (a regional association of health and wellness industries).

Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (Regional Council Decision no. 1513/2021)

Contribution: €57,055.63 (01/01/2022 – 27/09/2022)

loghi tecnopolo bologna

Regional Council Decision no. 1715/2019 – YEARS 2020-2021

The health industry as a driver for territorial development: a role for the Bologna-Ozzano Technopole dedicated to Rita Levi-Montalcini

The project is designed to consolidate the role of the Bologna-Ozzano Technopole as a hub for local life sciences companies and as an access point to the High Technology Network of the Region of Emilia-Romagna and to the entire ecosystem of innovation.

The Technopole integrates two laboratories of the Network, IRET and CIRI-SDV, which share objectives and strategies (Joint Research Laboratory), as well as the social enterprise Transmed Research. It has launched various collaborations, including that with the Clust-ER ISB, a regional association of health and wellness industries.

Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (Regional Council Decision no. 1715/2019)

Contribution: €114,125.00 (01/01/2020 – 31/12/2021)

loghi tecnopolo bologna

Regional Council Decision no. 384/2017 – YEARS 2017-2019

The Technopole operates in the health technologies sector and specializes in issues relating to the regional Smart Specialization Strategy (S3). These technologies integrate products from conventional chemical manufacturing (drugs) with bioproducts (cells) and products deriving from the field of materials science (biomaterials).
The Technopole integrates two laboratories of the High Technology Network, IRET and CIRI-SDV, which share objectives and strategies.

Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (Regional Council Decision no. 384/2017)

Contribution: €74,961.25 (01/02/2018 – 31/12/2020)

Loghi tecnopolo bologna